Sarika started her film career as a child actor, Master Sooraj, playing the role of a boy during the 1960s in Bollywood. She appeared in many children's movies as well as B grade movies. She moved to better films with Rajshri Productions Geet Gaata Chal with Sachin, with whom she starred in many Hindi and Marathi films and is known to have had a brief affair as welln her acting career, she was often cast as a "westernized girl" in films from 1980's. She gave up her career after her marriage to Kamal Hassan and moved to Chennai with him during the peak of her career. After separation, she has now made a comeback in Hindifilms. She played Ipsita Ray Chakraverti in the film Sacred Evil – A True Story which failed at the box office.In year 2000, she won the National Film Award for Best Costume Design for the film Hey Ram, her performance in Parzania in which she plays the role of a Zoroastrian woman who loses her child during the 2002 riots of India, fetched her the National Film Award for Best Actress.
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